rod type pressure sensor
diffusion silicon 4~20mA small differential pressure/pressure/liquid level injection can replace petrochemical,
metallurgy, electric power, food and medicine, papermaking, and textile industries. It is used to detect fluid differential
pressure, pressure, liquid level, density and other parameters, and is tested The signal is converted into 4~20mA.DC and sent to
display, calculation, adjustment or control instruments, which can form various automatic control systems.
Product introduction
1. Two-wire system, 4~20mA output
2. The parts are interchangeable, versatile and durable
3. Convenient installation, wide use occasions, outdoor and explosion-proof. Both high temperature and strong corrosive
environment are acceptable.
4. The range, decimal point, unit name, high and low voltage exchange can be modified on-site, and factory settings can be
5. Comply with Hart agreement.
Products processing:
1. The screening of components, using pearl cotton all-round package storage, to prevent shell collision scratch. Layer by layer
control for you to provide high-quality pressure transmitter.
2. Six accurate calibration, using the United States General Electric automatic calibration system, each product from production
to delivery, after six accurate calibration. Zero point, midpoint, full degree of three-point detection, covering the full range,
the measurement accuracy is much higher than two-point calibration.
3. High temperature aging test 72 hours aging test to ensure stable and reliable quality
4. Laser marking, each pressure transmitter has a corresponding'identity number, from production to use, can detect maintenance
records, one-click query, digital management, to give you a better use of experience.

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